Config DNS
ServicesDNS->ResolverGeneral->Settings->Host Overrides
- host: unifi-controller
domain: grigri
description: Deployed on k8s.grigri in his own load balancer
- host: unifi
domain: grigri
description: Used for automatically adopt devices
» dog unifi-controller.grigri
A unifi-controller.grigri. 1h00m00s
» dog unifi
A unifi.grigri. 59m50s
Adopt devices
- Factory reset:
- 10 seconds button
- ssh and run
syswrapper.sh restore-default
- Connect to the network
- Click adopt from unifi web interface
Note: For wireless mesh use same channel for both APs (disable Channel Optimization). If still doesn't work go to legacy UI and set up same Channel and width in Settings->RADIOS
ssh access
Add SSH key to System->Network Device SSH Authentication->SSH Keys
ssh -oPubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-rsa -oHostkeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 pando85@{{ hostname }}
Layer 3 methods for UAP adoption
From this doc, using SSH to adopt devices from the DMZ network.
After SSH into the device:
set-inform http://unifi-controller.grigri:8080/inform
And then you will see the device now show up for adoption.